We came across an interesting article from eMarketer that shows data to imply over 50% of all out of home advertising will be digital ad placements.

This excites us for two reasons, first we are a digital ad network, secondly it shows that people are getting the power of digital ad displays in public places. When you are eating in a food court or waiting in a lobby you need something to do. If your phone is not on or right in front of you then our ads will be.

“Digital screens outside the home carrying paid media are proliferating, from large digital billboards along highways to interactive touchscreens in restaurants, bars, malls, airports, taxi cabs and many other locations,”

Read the full article here: https://www.emarketer.com/Article/Digital-Account-40-of-Out-of-Home-Ad-Spending-2015/1013107

To learn more about how Pitch Digital media can help you reach more local customers contact us today!